Leilani is open to speaking at Homeschool Events, Conferences, Podcasts, and Churches, sharing insights and inspiration on these topics...
Popular Topics
Special Education Homeschooling
How To Help Your ADHD Kids Focus
Unveiling Strength: How I Homeschool with A Special Needs Child
God Speaks Their Language Too! Teaching the Special Needs Child the Word of God
Helping Them Thrive with ADHD: Effective Planning and Scheduling Strategies
Sensory Processing Disorder: How To Recognize, Understand, and Adapt
Successfully Advocating and Integrating Your Unique Learner into Homeschool Groups
Homeschooling Down Syndrome
General Homeschooling
My Middle Schooler Is Driving Me Crazy: Understanding How to Homeschool with an Adolescence
Exploring Truth: Empowering Your Freedom to Teach
Debunking Homeschool Myths We Believe
Are We Forgetting Why We Homeschooled?
Faith-Based Topics
God’s Purpose for Community: Raising Our Family in a Community When the World Doesn’t Support It
Understanding Biblical High Holy Days for Christians
Embracing Every Family: Creating and Including Special Needs as a Church Community
Help! God is Giving Me the Gift of Patience and I Don’t Want it!
Detailed Topic Overviews With Samples
Successfully Advocating and Integrating Your Unique Learner into Homeschool Groups
When you have a child with a unique ability, it is sometimes hard to integrate them into a homeschool co-op, educational or support group. However, you do want them to be around other kids. Many groups are run by parents and adults who do not understand your child’s ability. How do you navigate all of this without having your child become a target? How do you help adults understand your child’s needs with patience? In this talk, Leilani will share how you can be an advocate for your child in a world that doesn't always understand.​​
Understanding Biblical High Holy Days for Christians
Come on a yearlong journey where Leilani shares the High Holy Days and how she celebrates them with her family and congregation. From Passover to Yom Kippur, she explains how they keep these holidays with Jesus in the forefront.
God Speaks Their Language Too!
Teaching the Special Needs Child the Word of God
When you teach a child with special need there are always challenges that come up. But what about teaching them the gospel? Is it the same as if you were teaching any child? In this presentation Leilani discusses how our actions and words speak to a child's heart, how we can be encouraged to rely on God to guide us, plus some practical advice on reading, manipulatives, prayer, and multisensory materials and experiences. To preview a sample MP3 recording, email Leilani Melendez.
My Middle Schooler is Driving Me Crazy
As a mom and former middle school teacher, Leilani will share with you some insights that will change your attitude toward this precious group of kids. She will discuss how the middle-schooler’s brain works, what they are thinking and feeling, and how you can learn to enjoy these fleeting, emotional but pivotal years with your kids.
Are We Forgetting Why We Homeschooled?
Did you begin homeschooling because you wanted to raise your kids with a biblical perspective on the world? Are you still doing that? Many parents are reverting back to the secular perspective on education for many reasons, and it’s affecting their homes. This talk will explore why we are forgetting our first love, how the secular world has manipulated us to think like them, how to avoid the watered down gospel in curriculum, what a good biblical curriculum should look like and practical ways we can get back on track.
Exploring Truth: Embracing Our Freedom To Teach
In this talk we will look at the history of the public school in America and how it has affected our thoughts and priorities. When we recognize that this is not the end all be all of education, and only something that has been in effort for less than 200 years, we can start to let it stop dictating our homes and allowing ourselves to homeschool the way we chose to homeschool.
Unveiling Strength: A Mom’s Day In The Life Journey as She Homeschools Her Children with Unique Abilities
Be inspired, encouraged, and smile a little as Leilani shares with you her “Day in the Life” journey as a homeschooling mom. She is a parent to 4 children, some with unique abilities including ADHD and Down Syndrome. She will address how she navigates through unusual obsticles, special medical needs, therapies, routines, time managment, curriculum and how she is able to compassionately homeschool each child according to their needs. She will also share how making mistakes is part of the process and how to overcomes these disappointments.
This presentation is a testimony of God’s strength and how it is revealed in our lives. Through our trials and struggles we can have faith that He draws Himself close to us as we conform to His image.
Help! God is Giving Me the Gift of Patience and I Don’t Want it!
We’ve often heard the phrase, “Don’t pray for patience.” However as a parent of a child with a disability we are thrusted into a lifestyle that require patience. It can be challenging, forcing us to face daily hurdles that can be emotionally taxing. Everything that we do requires careful thought and we often find ourselves discouraged, isolated and even depressed. In this encouraging presetation we will explore the gift of patience relatable stories from not only a special needs parent perspective but from a biblical worldview. If you need encouragement, this is the session for you.